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保留舊款Golden Pad引以為傲的頂尖安定性,並且將控制性更加提升,讓騎士能夠更隨心所欲操控的煞車改裝品誕生!
睽違十年,曾經顛覆金屬燒結煞車皮的Golden Pad終於推出新款式!
※GOLDEN PAD(金色煞車來令片)是DAYTONA公司的註冊商標。
*Never use on cast iron rotors.
*The year is not the year model announced by the manufacturer, but the year when it was first sold.
*The stock pads have the same shape, but the thickness of the friction material varies widely.Even if the wear resistance of the material is the same, the life of the pad is different depending on the thickness of the friction material.Also, the service life of the brake varies depending on the frequency of use.
*Calipers (piston movement, etc.) and disc rotors (wear, mirroring, oil, coating from previously used pads, etc.) may cause the original performance to be inadequate.Maintenance of related parts is also important.
*Golden Pad is a registered trademark of Daytona Co.
*There may be changes in product specifications due to the manufacturer's reasons.