適用於配備 SP 武川特殊離合器外蓋與 加大節流閥的車輛
不鏽鋼編織油管 #4
此機油冷卻器套件適用於改裝SP Takegawa 的高壓縮比活塞套件搭配加大節流閥或各種加大節流閥搭配特殊離合器外蓋套件的車種。
機油冷卻器安裝在護罩內,且需要將油路與SP 武川的特殊離合器外蓋進行結合。
機油冷卻器個規格可以選擇:三鰭片&四油路 或 四鰭片&五油路。
外徑Φ11mm的尼龍編織軟管適用於小型摩托車。 內徑為Φ5.6mm,以減少機油泵的負荷。
※本商品僅適用於配備大型節流閥的SP 武川加大缸徑套件或SP 武川特殊離合器外蓋的車輛。
※三鰭片機油冷卻器需要添加約40 cc的機油、四鰭片機油冷卻器則是約60 cc的機油。
※SP 武川的特殊離合器外蓋安裝適用;機油將通過專用離合器外蓋上的出油口排出至機油冷卻器。
※本商品僅適用於SP 武川有附機油道設計的加大缸徑套件使用。
※由於需要拆下原廠空氣濾盒;因此必須安裝SP 武川的加大節流閥套件與SP 武川的空濾套件,且將機油冷卻器固定於油箱護罩支架上。
※如果您的愛車已經是有機油道設計的加大汽缸套件安裝的車輛;但尚未改裝節流閥(原廠節流閥),您可以購買SP 武川的空濾套件來搭配此商品。
■For vehicles equipped with SP Takegawa Special Clutch Cover & Big Throttle Body
Blade Hose #4
■For vehicles equipped with SP Takegawa Special Clutch Cover & Big Throttle Body
Blade Hose #4
*This product is for vehicles equipped with SP Takegawa's High Comp Piston Kit with Big Throttle Body or various big bore kits and SP Takegawa's Special Clutch Cover Kit.
*It cannot be installed with stock air cleaner box and stock clutch cover at the same time.
*The amount of oil is usually 3 fin. to the specified amount of oil: Approx. 40cc / 4 fin: Add approx. 60cc.
*Special clutch cover made by SP Takegawa is applicable.The oil is taken out to the oil cooler using the oil outlet on the special clutch cover.
*Applicable to vehicles equipped with SP Takekawa's various big bore kits with oil outlet bosses (big throttle body specification) and air filter kits.
*Because the stock air cleaner box needs to be removed, SP Takegawa's Big Throttle Body needs to be installed.By removing the stock cleaner box, the shrouds and air filter will be removed, so you will need to install SP Takegawa's air filter kit (for big throttle bodies) which comes with shroud brackets.Fix the oil cooler body to the shroud bracket.
*If you want to install this product with stock throttle body specification, you need to purchase SP Takegawa's air filter kit for stock throttle body to be able to install this product.In this case, you need to set the injection controller.
*Depending on the lot, the product may be delivered with the old price and label with the old JAN code before the price change.