TAF 5-gear Cross Mission Kit (S Touring)

List price: TWD 30,976

Selling price: TWD 24,719 20%OFF

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  • モンキー

備考 年式:12V (AB27-1000001-1899999)

  • モンキー

備考 年式:6V (Z50J-1300017-1805927)

  • モンキー

備考 年式:12V (Z50J-2000001-)

  • ゴリラ

備考 年式:6V (Z50J-1300017-1805927)

  • ゴリラ

備考 年式:12V (Z50J-2500001-)

  • ゴリラ

備考 年式:12V (AB27-1000001-1899999)

  • モンキーBAJA

備考 年式:(Z50J-1700001-)


Mission Type: S Touring 5 speed
Applicable Clutch: Stock clutch / SP Takegawa reinforced clutch / Special clutch (5 disc)


Mission Type: S Touring 5 speed
Applicable Clutch: Stock clutch / SP Takegawa reinforced clutch / Special clutch (5 disc)


*6V Monkey Gorilla (Z50J-1300017-1805927) has A type spindle and needs to be changed to B type spindle.
Type B Kickstarter Spindle Kit (Part Number: 02-04-0011)
*If you are using the old special clutch kit (3 disc / 4 disc type), you need to install the main shaft (part number: 00-02-0084) is required.
*There may be changes in product specifications due to the manufacturer's reasons.

*Depending on the lot, the product may be delivered with the old price and label with the old JAN code before the price change.



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