登記時須出示【車輛行照】與【購買證明 (發票)】。
※詳細流程請看改裝排氣管合法認證 QA
車輛型式 | EBL-NC42 |
引擎型式 | NC42E |
*照片為ST (鈦合金外殼) 版。
以下依序回覆您: 1.2013年CB400 Revo(NC42)可以直上 2、3.很抱歉,Yoshimura原廠皆不會提供排氣管的外觀尺寸 4.配件圖及安裝說明書:https://goo.gl/C1UBT1 5.此排氣管有JMCA認證 6.此排氣管無觸媒,通過JMCA認證的排氣管就不會附屬消音塞 7.此排氣管出廠年份為2017 8.會員價價是運到台灣全部的費用,並包含統一發票,您僅需支付85元的國內運費 9.這款下訂約5個工作天左右會送達府上 10.我們的商品都是全新品,此排氣管有通過JMCA認證91dB,一般通過的排氣管不會有JMCA文件,但一定會有銘牌,請您放心 11.這沒有辦法,因為尾段排氣管是針對原廠前、中段去開發,在有限的的條件下做性能提升。全段則是重新設計,所以前中段長度不會與原廠一樣,沒有辦法互換。
如果您的愛車為CB400 V2 NC39 改上V3 NC42原廠排氣管 應該可以安裝這支尾段消音器 但是為了慎重起見請您收到商品先不要立即安裝 先進行比對確認,如果尺寸規格不符,請您線上申請退換貨 在「Webike-摩托百貨」所購買的商品(正廠零件除外),若您在收到商品之後發現尺寸不合適或是其它原因,依照消費者保護法的規定,我們有提供到貨後十天的猶豫鑑賞期,但猶豫鑑賞期並非試用期,若有發現商品有被明顯使用過的痕跡,包括包裝被打開而造成無法復原之破損、商品內容物遺失損壞,或是無法提供購買證明(發票)等,我們有權力拒絕此申請,以上說明都以"消費者保護法"為依據,關於退換貨說明您可以參考下列連結。 退換貨說明 https://www.webike.tw/customer/rule/member_rule_2#M
非常抱歉!此款排氣管無法適用於CB400SF HYPER VTEC SPEC2車型。若您需要VTEC SPEC2車型使用的YOSHIMURA排氣管的話,請參考下列商品頁面連結 ※【YOSHIMURA】cyclone機械加工彎管鈦合金全段式排 氣管 https://www.webike.tw/sd/45178 ※【YOSHIMURA】CYCLONE 排氣管尾段 https://www.webike.tw/sd/1227266
1. About Webike Point:
After purchasing the product and completing the order(received), we will transfer the reward points marked at the time of purchase to your membership account. These points can be accumulated, but they need to be used before expiration. 1 point is equivalent to TWD 1, and you can use it to offset the amount of the product during your next purchase.
2. Formula for calculating Webike points:
The basic reward point multiplier is 1% of the product amount. For example, if you purchase a product with a total amount of TWD 15,421, you can get 154 points. We will also hold point doubling events from time to time, and the reward point multiplier may increase to between 2% and 20%. This will be the best opportunity to accumulate points!
3. Point usage limit:
The upper limit of points that can be used for each purchase is 70% of the total amount of products purchased. If the input exceeds the upper limit, the system will calculate and directly apply the upper limit of points. For example: The total amount of products at checkout is TWD 2,000. If you enter 2,000 Webike points, the system will calculate the usage points adjustment to 1,400 points.
4. Points usage period:
The basic reward points earned from purchases are valid for one year after issuance. However, during the special point doubling event (*No.2), we will separately announce and set different usage periods. In addition, when the points are about to expire, system will send site messages and Email to notify you, so please pay attention and seize the time to use it!