Grab Bar

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★此產品是一個側袋建議尺寸:寬420mmx高300mm(Kijima零件編號#FR-A00002 / FR-A00003 / FR-A00010 / FR-A00012 / FR-A00021 / FR-A00022 / FR-A00023 / FR-可與安裝時方便的袋支架(Kijima零件編號#210-491 / 210-4911 / 210-4912 / 210-4913 / 210-493 / 210-4931 / 210-4932)一起使用(請參閱A00024)。也可以將其用作固定側袋的滑軌!

★安裝由Kijima製造的Cub新型雙人座椅(Kijima零件編號207-395 / 207-395A)時,可以將其用作保持雙人騎乘姿勢的把手!






Material: Steel
[Set components]
・Grab bar body
・Instruction Manual


Material: Steel
[Set components]
・Grab bar body
・Instruction Manual


*For installation of this product, use KIJIMA Double Seat: 207-395 is required.
*This product cannot be used with Kijima rear carrier (Kijima part number #210-269).
*Installation position: If you have any questions about the installation of this product, it is recommended that you have it installed by a professional shop or vehicle dealer.



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