Engine Protector Streamline

List price: TWD 5,075

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Slider unit: PA66GF15
Spacers: Aluminum (black anodized)
Bolt: Steel


Slider unit: PA66GF15
Spacers: Aluminum (black anodized)
Bolt: Steel


*This product is designed to reduce damage to the engine and body in the event of a minor fall.It does not protect against scratches or cracks to the cowl in such an event.In addition, depending on the circumstances of the fall, damage may not be reduced or may be greater than when the product is not installed.
*The body of this product is designed to take damage (around the bolt attachment area) to mitigate shock when it is subjected to a certain level of impact.Replace the slider with a new one if it is damaged.
*Cannot be installed at the same time as DAYTONA Pipe Engine Guard.
*The image may include other products.
*There may be changes in product specifications due to the manufacturer's reasons.

