Rearsets Kit

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Rearset Kit for Shifter
Shift Pattern: Regular / Reverse
9-position adjustable
1 10mm forward 25mm up
2 0mm 25mm up
3 10mm after 25mm up
4 5mm forward 35mm up
5 5mm after 35mm up
6 15mm BACK 35mm UP
7 0mm 45mm up
8 10mm after 45mm up
9 20mm after 45mm up


Rearset Kit for Shifter
Shift Pattern: Regular / Reverse
9-position adjustable
1 10mm forward 25mm up
2 0mm 25mm up
3 10mm after 25mm up
4 5mm forward 35mm up
5 5mm after 35mm up
6 15mm BACK 35mm UP
7 0mm 45mm up
8 10mm after 45mm up
9 20mm after 45mm up


*For bikes with stock shifter switch.
*There may be changes in product specifications due to the manufacturer's reasons.


1.請問此商品是否適用 mv agusta f3 800 2018年式?

原廠提供商品資訊此組腳踏後移適用刑年份為Mv Agusta F3 675年式:12-14 2018年F3 800無法安裝使用

