PREMIUM ZONE PZP-04 Passenger Step, for Honda

List price: TWD 5,512

Selling price: TWD 4,464 19%OFF

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顏色:黑色/灰銀色 材質:鋁合金切削加工 附屬品:環(紅色、金色)


階梯套裝加入了【高級區】系列,是 "創 "與 "美 "的傑作。








※由於產品的特性,邊緣比較鋒利。根據不同的情況,如果雨衣或其他物品與之接觸,穿戴者可能會受損。 請注意,如果給對方造成損失,我們不負責任。



※首期生產的產品在表面處理上進行了 "潤色 "處理。先謝謝你的理解。


Color: Black / Ash Silver
Material: Machined aluminum
Components: Ring (red, gold)


Color: Black / Ash Silver
Material: Machined aluminum
Components: Ring (red, gold)


*The edge of the product is sharp due to its characteristics.Be careful when handling the product as it may cause injury.Do not touch the product with your bare hands after installation.
*The edge of the product is sharp due to its characteristics.The rainwear may be damaged if it touches the surface.
*Due to the characteristics of the manufacturing process, unevenness in color due to electrode marks and air accumulation during coloring may occur on the inside of the step bar.The uneven color on the inside of the step bar is not a product defect but a specification.
*In some cases, stock parts may be reused for installation.Especially, be careful with E-ring, spring, steel ball, etc. because they are easy to lose.
*On the first production run, the surface has been processed after the surface treatment, and the touch-up finish has been applied.
*There may be changes in product specifications due to the manufacturer's reasons.

