Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26

  • Brand: KITACO
  • Product ID: 110-1123003

List price: TWD 7,935

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○Intake port diameter Φ24 compatible
○Left-handed (baseball pitcher)
○Main jet #150 Pilot jet #15 Assembled
[Kit Contents]
Mikuni VM26-671 Carburetor Assy x 1
Manifold Set x 1
Manifold Body x 1
Cap Bolt 6 x 15 x 2
Cap Bolt 6 x 20 x 2
Manifold Packing x 1
Stainless Steel Band (Φ32?50) x 1
Rubber holder (VMΦ26)×1
Main jet (Mikuni hexagon type / Large) #130


○Intake port diameter Φ24 compatible
○Left-handed (baseball pitcher)
○Main jet #150 Pilot jet #15 Assembled
[Kit Contents]
Mikuni VM26-671 Carburetor Assy x 1
Manifold Set x 1
Manifold Body x 1
Cap Bolt 6 x 15 x 2
Cap Bolt 6 x 20 x 2
Manifold Packing x 1
Stainless Steel Band (Φ32?50) x 1
Rubber holder (VMΦ26)×1
Main jet (Mikuni hexagon type / Large) #130


Note: It is necessary to set up the jets according to the specification of the engine and the driving environment.The Kitaco Big Carburetor Kit uses the stock kit from the carburetor manufacturer, so please be sure to use the stock kit for setting.If you use other than the stock one, the correct setting will not be obtained and it may cause trouble.
*Stock air cleaner cannot be used.

Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26 商品實拍


Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_全景


Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_特寫Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_特寫Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_特寫Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_特寫

尺寸 : 進氣端外徑約43mm

Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_尺寸

顏色 : 銀灰

Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_顏色


Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_材質Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_材質

配件 : 進氣歧管、墊片、油杯、螺絲、油嘴、油管、油門座、油門拉索、握把套

Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_配件Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_配件Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_配件Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_配件Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_配件Big Cab Kit Mikuni VM Φ26_配件

商品進口地 : 日本

