Single Side Swingarm

List price: TWD 76,386

Selling price: TWD 61,966 19%OFF

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Material: Aluminum 7N01 material
Swingarm length: Stock length +6cm
Available Calipers: Brembo Caliper (new caliper)
Recommended brake hose length: 110cm
Specially designed wheels included (12-4.0J)


Material: Aluminum 7N01 material
Swingarm length: Stock length +6cm
Available Calipers: Brembo Caliper (new caliper)
Recommended brake hose length: 110cm
Specially designed wheels included (12-4.0J)


*Installation image is for reference only.
*Image 5 is an image of the caliper (Crab Brembo) that can be installed.
*image 6 is an image of the rear axle area.
*The wheels are specially designed for this product (12-4.0J)
*Rear shocks for GROM can be used.
*Swingarm length is equivalent to +6cm long
*Disc rotors are Φ190.(For NS-1 rear)
*Rear sprocket is for 29-32.(Otherwise it will interfere with the main unit)
*Nitron rear suspension mini shocks cannot be used with the MINI R3 series because the dials interfere with the sway bars.
*Yoshimura exhausts cannot be installed due to interference with the stubby.
*Images may contain other products.
*There may be changes in product specifications due to the manufacturer's reasons.



1.商品總成如圖一以及圖二,但是不包含卡鉗以及後碟盤;卡鉗只能使用brembo對向雙活塞的款式,而碟盤則要另外購買honda NS-1直徑190的碟盤;該商品屬於訂製品 所以下訂後無法取消,交期則為1個半月至2個月。2.該組套件有包含輪框尺寸為12-4.0J

3.這組套件 有內含 卡鉗 煞車碟盤 齒盤 煞車油管嗎?

這套商品內容物包含: 後搖臂本體(含軸承等相關配件) 後輪框總成(含軸承等相關配件) 需額外選購部分: 卡鉗 (推薦使用Brembo 新螃蟹卡鉗) 齒盤 (29-32T NSR50/80 用碟盤) 煞車碟盤 (φ190mm NS-1後輪用碟盤) 剎車油管(110cm 剎車油管) 下列提供使用說明書給您參考

