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1. About Webike Point:
After purchasing the product and completing the order(received), we will transfer the reward points marked at the time of purchase to your membership account. These points can be accumulated, but they need to be used before expiration. 1 point is equivalent to TWD 1, and you can use it to offset the amount of the product during your next purchase.
2. Formula for calculating Webike points:
The basic reward point multiplier is 1% of the product amount. For example, if you purchase a product with a total amount of TWD 15,421, you can get 154 points. We will also hold point doubling events from time to time, and the reward point multiplier may increase to between 2% and 20%. This will be the best opportunity to accumulate points!
3. Point usage limit:
The upper limit of points that can be used for each purchase is 70% of the total amount of products purchased. If the input exceeds the upper limit, the system will calculate and directly apply the upper limit of points. For example: The total amount of products at checkout is TWD 2,000. If you enter 2,000 Webike points, the system will calculate the usage points adjustment to 1,400 points.
4. Points usage period:
The basic reward points earned from purchases are valid for one year after issuance. However, during the special point doubling event (*No.2), we will separately announce and set different usage periods. In addition, when the points are about to expire, system will send site messages and Email to notify you, so please pay attention and seize the time to use it!