Progress Racing CDI

List price: TWD 2,581

Selling price: TWD 2,208 14%OFF

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TWD 2208.000000

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*We recommend Power Advance Full Digital CDI for high tuning such as big bore installation.

*Please check the model name, grade, registration model, year of manufacture (not the year of sale / purchase), frame No., engine No., coupler shape, etc. before selecting the correct product.Be especially careful with used vehicles that have had exterior modifications.
*When replacing the CDI, be sure to replace the plug with a new plug (#1-2 positions up from the standard plug) with a heat value that can withstand use at high engine speeds.Also, be sure to use resistor plugs with resistors.
*If the stable starting voltage cannot be secured, it may be difficult to start the engine.Always check the battery condition periodically.
*Battery ignition type CDI will not be able to start the engine if the regulator is removed.
*The CDI cannot be disassembled and repaired. If the internal circuit is damaged, please replace it with a new one.

*Fits to Frame No.AF35-1000001-/Engine No.AF34E-1000001- of SK50MR-II, Frame No.AF34-1000001-/Engine No.AF34E-1000001- of SK50MR, Frame No.AF35-/Engine No.AF34E-1092620- of SK50MS-II. 1200001-/Engine No.AF34E-1092628-, SK50MS Frame No.AF34-1200001-/Engine No.AF34E-1092620-.
*Not available for *97- models (stock 6-pin connector).
*Not compatible with Live DIO Chesta (95) (SK50MS-4J) (stock 4P connector bike), not tested with Live DIO-ST (96) (SK50MT-6J).

When requesting an inspection of a product, a receipt or other document that proves the date of sale is always required.

